Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Unit 4 - Environmental Presentation

Hello, welcome to iLab! Image result for environmental issues gif

Group I 

Group II
Laura A

Group III
Laura F 

Directions: Choose an environmental issue. Find an organization that is fighting for the same cause and analyze their website and research/data collected. You will need to conduct independent research from credible sources to include in your presentation. Based on the information and research/data you collect, you will create a hypothetical organization with hypothetical, but probable, solutions for your environmental issue. Be as creative, inventive, innovative and far-fetched as possible. Money, time, space and other realistic factors do not matter. 

What to include in your presentation: 
- Facts and statistics regarding the impact your environmental issue is having on our planet.  
- Visuals (videos, images, graphs, etc.)
- Comprehensive presentation in similar format of the video we watched yesterday:
- Possible outcomes if your organization/solution didn't exist.
- Reference 'Useful Expressions' on pages 42 and 47

Presentation Details: 
When: Tuesday March 21, 2017 
What Time: 3:20pm 
Where: Room to be announced
Groups will present in the order listed above
Good Luck! 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Unit 4 - Homework

Good Evening!

Image result for environmental issues gif

Choose an article from one of the following news websites. After reading, answer the following questions and prepare to discuss your article.

1. What is the environmental issue that the article you chose is discussing? 
2. What statistics and facts are stated in your article? 
3. Are there possible solutions stated in your article?
4. What stance does the author take on this environmental issue? Neutral, for, against?
5. What is your stance on this environmental issue?

Submit your answers in the comment box or email me at

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Social Issues - Unit 3


Image result for social issues

As you know, this week's unit is on the topic of Social Issues. For this assignment, you will watch a ted talk by Ron Finley and answer the following questions. Some answers may come from Ron Finley's website: or this interview from October 2016:

Task 1: Watch the Video

1. Who is Ron Finley and why is he well-known? 
2. Identify the social issues he is combatting.
3. What is the Ron Finley Project and changes could this project bring about? 
4. How does growing our own food change us and our relationship to food?
5. How can people help contribute or get involved in his cause?
6. What legacy will Ron Finley leave behind, if any? 
7. How has Ron Finley's rhetoric changed people's perception of gardening? 
8. How and why do you think food belongs in our discussions of race? 

Task 2: After watching 
Create 3 comprehension questions based on the video you just watched. These questions will be used to lead a discussion in our Studio class tomorrow. If you ask any yes/no questions, you must ask why?

Task 3: Go to and click on 'press & media' - you will notice he has been featured in many different media outlets. Choose one in which sparks your interest and prepare to share with the class in studio tomorrow the link you chose and why. 

Submit all answers in the comment box below :) 

Good luck!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Art Museum Field Trip

Image result for santa barbara museum of art logo
Please answer the following questions: 
1. In addition to its outstanding permanent collection, the Santa Barbara Museum of Art (SBMA) hosts special exhibitions that deliver innovative presentations of many of the world’s renowned artists. How many current exhibitions are on display at the SBMA and what are they called? 

2. What is the name of the upcoming exhibition and what does this selection highlight? 

3. What are the 5 categories of classification at SBMA?

4. What are the museum hours of operation?  

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Art - Relative Clauses

Welcome to iLab!Image result for art gif

As you know, the grammar points we are focusing on this week are: 
 Emphatic Structure (Inversion) (click the link for further explanation)
Relative Clauses (click the link for further explanation)

Task 1: Practice 
After you review the two grammar points above, click the links below to practice. In the comment box below, post your score. Ex: 5/10, 10/10, etc... come see me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. 

Task 2: Writing/Research - Art 
  1. 1.
    the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

In this assignment, you will choose a form of expression that is not typically considered art. For example, in sports, many will argue that Cheerleading is not a sport. Cheerleaders will argue that it is a sport. There are many supporting arguments that support both views. 

Your task is to argue why you consider your form of expression, art. Please come prepared with concrete arguments and references to support your argument on Monday. Don't forget to include where this form of expression originated, what form of expression you chose, how it is related to the arts and any other information worth mentioning. 
We will be discussing this assignment on Monday before we take our quiz. 

Good Luck :) 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Success - Perfect Tenses

Welcome to iLab ! 

Image result for success

Task 1: Perfect Tenses 

Task 2: Success Story 
1. Watch the video
2. Identify Beyonce's benchmarks of success
3. What are the 3 lessons of success demonstrated in the video?
4. Provide 2 examples of each lesson. 

Submit answers in the comments box at the bottom of the blog (you may need to create an account with one of the networks listed).